Thursday, August 11, 2011

Winner of That Clever Clementine Giveway #1!

And the winner of the Briar Rose Loopy Lulu bag is....

**drumroll please**

Casey of Elegant Musings! Lucky number 10. Casey, I'll be emailing you later today about mailing off this fab little bag!

And everyone should keep their eyes peeled for another That Clever Clementine giveway! I'll be giving away another great bag soon. I'll give you a little hint... it's a cinch sack. I know that was a favorite type of many people who entered the first giveaway. So look for that giveaway in the next several days! Yay!


  1. Congrats to Elegant Musings! I hope you really enjoy your Briar Rose bag.

  2. Good grief lady! Are you serious?! rofl. This is totally brightening my day (nix day--week!!! ;). Wow. Thank you--I'm so excited! :D Hmm... This will be perfect to take along to a hockey tournament my husband is playing in a few weekends, since I always bring a healthy assortment of knitting/needlework and such to keep me occupied! ;)

    Thank you so much again for hosting this giveaway (and your mom for providing the gorgeous bag)!

  3. Way to go Casey! Congrats! It's a beautiful bag...


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