Friday, January 14, 2011

1940s pigtail loop braids

First off, let me send a huge thank you out to DeluxeVille for the blog plug yesterday! I was tickled pink and totally flattered. Her house is just so inspiring and dreamy for a lover of mid-century modern. So a warm welcome to any new blog readers who have found their way here from that!

Yesterday, I was reading the Chronically Vintage post about Ladies' Home Journal. It featured an amazing picture from 1943 that I just had to share, too:

My second though after "Wow, what a great image" was "Wow, what a great hairstyle!"

When I got home, I had to try it out.

I cut a couple of lengths of ribbon from my stash. (Yes, those are left-handed scissors. And yes, I wrote my name on them.)

I parted my hair down the middle and made two pigtails, then braided those and fixed the ends with a hair tie. I tucked the ends up to the base of each pigtail and then bobby pinned them into place, topping it off with a length of ribbon tied in a bow.

Don't mind the fact that I'm wearing the same shirt as I was in my rant about business casual. I was just home from work and it's one of the blouses I determined I could wear to work, so that's just what I had done. I was so excited to try the hairstyle I had only gotten as far as changing my pants. :)

The lamp you can partially see is one of our dream matched lamps that we picked up recently. Unfortunately they didn't have shades but the lamps were amazing and in great condition, so we bought them. We're probably going to get a set of repro two-tier shades from Moon Shine, as lightening isn't likely to strike twice. And I don't really feel like sitting around waiting forever for the perfect shades, when meanwhile we have lamp shades all willy nilly throughout the home to make up for it. For example, that's actually one of our bedside lamp shades. I nicknamed the lamps "fantelopes", because they look like fantasy-inspired antelopes. Don't you think?

Back to the hair...

And a closer close-up...

Voila! My own version of the hairstyle from the 1943 Ladies' Home Journal. I will totally do this again, even if a certain someone joked that I looked like Rhoda from the 1956 movie The Bad Seed. (Though it was said as compliment. No, really, it was.) I might figure out a way to fix the loops a bit differently, as they seemed secure enough but I'm not sure how they'd last throughout the day. But a hairstyle I definitely plan to revisit in the Spring. Not a bad excuse to shop for more wide ribbon, either...

We're off with friends to Wisconsin for the weekend. Have a great one!


  1. Really cute! I wear braids and pig tails, but haven't tried that one yet :-)

  2. So cute! I often wore my hair like that when I was a child (in the 80's mind you..)ribbons and all, very "Little house on the prairie";) I might give it a go again....

  3. This is cute! I love all your wall decorations! Dont you think they would stay better if you put the hair in two pigtails with elastics braided the hair and used another elastic at the end and then used one more to secure the end the the base? They make really tiny elastics we use as hair dressers in updos and stuff. They sell them at sallys. they come in clear or black. It shouldnt matter because you tie it up with ribbon right? ehhh just a suggestion and I am thinking out loud....

  4. Thanks guys!

    Heidi, I remember having ribbon to tie off the ends of my braids in the early 80s, too. Ooh, or chunky yarn too! I'd forgotten about that until just now.

    Brook, I know exactly what you mean. The ribbon wasn't tied too tightly since it was slightly stiff, so it was mostly for looks rather than usefulness. But what you mentioned with the ties is actually how I tried it the first time. I had a hard time gracefully wrapping the hair tie around the looped braid without screwing the braid up, leaving pieces sticking out. I think if I'd perhaps hairsprayed over the braid or used some pomade in my hair first it would have been more cooperative. I will probably try that method again in the future when I'm not in a rush! ;)

  5. this lady uses her " trash ties"

  6. Now that is fantastic! (She also makes some awesome fabric prints.) I admit I'm tempted to grab whatever twist ties are in my junk drawer just to try it out. The ribbon would cover it after all... lol

  7. Hi Tasha,

    You look absolutely awesome! I wish my hair thick enough to pull off two braided pigtails like that!

    I sincerely appreciate your mention of Chronically Vintage, and loved seeing how it inspired you, sweet dear!

    Oodles of hugs & joyful weekend wishes!

  8. Love it! And I live the Rhoda comment. Rhoda was many things, and a sharp dresser was, indeed, one of them. The fantelopes are awesome too. I've always wanted to buy some shades from Moon Shine. I can't wait to see what you get.

  9. I'm here via Deluxeville and I'm so glad she "pimped" your blog! Very nice job on the hairstyle. :)

  10. I love this, shall try it this avo.
    P.s Doll I have awarded you a blog award.

    XX Miss Rosina Lee

  11. Moe, you are spot on about Rhoda! We need to buckle down and order the Moon Shine shades, we got sidetracked over Christmas but it's definitely time.

    Betsy and Rosina, thanks so much for visiting! Rosina, that is sweet of you, I will try and come up with some things to post that I love next week! :)

  12. I wore my hair in loops like that until I was 10 or so... my braids were long enough that I could put my arms through the loops.

    My mom used to use those elastics with the plastic bobbles on the end that you loop over each other. :)

    I totally wanted to be Laura Ingalls.

  13. Hee hee, Mel got a good laugh as I visually described the length of your loops. I remember loving all of Laura's calico dresses!

  14. I. AM. DOING. THIS. I've been obsessed for the last couple months with an over-the-head, Tyrolean, braid-as-headband kind of look, and I'd thought about braid loops but I didn't know how to go about making it look presentable. Which you have now shown me how to do! Thanks for the inspiration, and advance apologies for stealin' your 'do. :) Also, that lamp is out of control. Do I look green with my envy, or do I look green with my envy.

  15. You are of course totally welcome to steal the hairstyle, I am happy to help spread the inspiration! My mom reminded me after she read this post that she apparently used to wear her hair like that when I was a kid, I'd forgotten. Actually I've been going back and forth between wanting to cut my hair a bit to better be able to try more down 40s styles or grow it a bit more, and I have to say this little looped braid thing kicked me square into the grow camp again!

  16. This is too cute! I decided to try this style tonight for going out, I went out dancing and they stayed put very well. Thanks for showcasing this, it worked out so well for me!

  17. @Jess Yay, I'm so glad it worked so well for you and that it put up with dancing! :)


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